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  4. Issues outside of your agreement

Issues outside of your agreement

Sometimes, specific websites will be excluded from your agreement with us. When you encounter an issue with this website, you can raise a support ticket regarding this, but you should be aware of some differences to our normal agreement.

If the issue is deemed to be as the result of an issue outside of our control

The issue will be charged to the university at an hourly rate defined in your agreement with us.

If we deem that the issue is as a result of changes outside of our control, then we will give you practical advice on how to create a patch. If you would like us to create a patch, then we will charge this at the hourly rate defined in your agreement with us.

If SMILE were the root cause of the issue

You would not be charged for the investigation undertaken. We will also issue a patch at no additional cost.

We will try and resolve the investigation as quickly as possible. Some issues are complex and can take longer. So, if the work takes at 10 hours, then work is halted, with a report of what the current conclusion is. We will also seek if you wish us to continue the investigation.

As a result of the potential financial implication, we will only investigate the issue by the instruction of the agreement holder via email to our support desk.

Updated on August 5, 2020

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