HappyPress Restrictions

HappyPress is a managed service. We are very protective over the HappyPress infrastructure, and do have a number of restrictions. These restrictions are implemented after many years of experience with running WordPress Multisite.

We understand what is required to make WordPress run at enterprise scale, and we remove the ability to access features that cause common and significant problems. The result is that you will have a high availability, super-fast and low-touch maintenance version of WordPress where you can focus on content and in-app experiences. 

Disk access

We do not provide disk-level access through a GUI or via SSH/SFTP. You can use our Git Mirroring service for theme updates.


We don’t allow HappyPress users to add, edit or remove plugins. But you can contact our support team for any plugin queries, including activations, additions or deactivations.

You can also request a plugin for consideration to be added to our plugin list. We do not maintain a list of plugins that we do not accept. Instead we have broad definitions of plugins that we will not accept through our plugin request form. These are:

  • Caching plugins
    • HappyPress already operates NGINX and Redis caching. Plugins will offer no additional performance, and will likely introduce conflicts resulting in problems for your sites.
  • Backup plugins
    • HappyPress already operates a robust backup strategy. Most Backup plugins store data inefficiently and insecurely. They typically affect performance negatively whilst their processes run.
  • Security plugins
    • HappyPress has chosen a number of security tools, and adding additional plugins will create insecurities due to conflicts.
  • Email Newsletter plugins
    • You are free to send unlimited transactional emails. Marketing emails are not permitted through HappyPress. Any plugin that replicates marketing email newsletter functionality (like a Mailchimp clone) is not permitted.
  • Any plugin (or theme) with known vulnerabilities on https://wpscan.com/

Please note that we have the right to reject any plugin — or we can revoke a plugin’s approved status — for any reason, at any time. Our decisions are final.

Updated on February 22, 2021

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