Open a Service Desk Request Our service desk is the best way to get support, and is manned from 9am-5pm Mon-Fri and requires a HappyPress (formerly Hosting, Maintenance & Support contract) or a Hijack/OnCourse subscription. 1Basic Info2Understanding Priority3Priority4Devices5Detail Name * REQUIRED First Last Email * REQUIRED What do you require support with? * REQUIREDIf other, please type in the URL to the website you need help with. Hijack OnCourse Whilst content production, delivery and upload along with live event support are additional fees, we offer a basic level of support for free to all hijack customers. This allows you to get help for specific issues that you encounter. Hijack Customers: If you would like support outside these hours, we offer additional support on a per-event basis. For more information please call or email our sales team: 0800 358 3608 or enquiries@wearesmile.comType of request * REQUIRED There is a problem Add/update users Menu update Other advice Consent * REQUIREDWe expect everyone at SMILE, and who interacts with SMILE, to follow the SMILE Code of Conduct: We’ve taken the time to outline the process of what constitutes a good support. It is beneficial to follow the guidance here to help us to help you. You agree to have read and follow the guidance set out on our wiki: Submitting a request via this form is subject to our Terms of Service: Under no circumstances should you attach files including personal or sensitive data. In order to transfer personally sensitive data you should provide password, or account restricted access to a file as a link within your description. The priority of your request will be automatically calculated from the details that you fill out in this form. I agree to the service desk terms and conditionsKeep-in-touch Select All I would like to be informed about SMILE service updates I would like to receive marketing communications from SMILE Understanding priorityWe have 4 levels of priority. In order of urgency, these are: Next on bench, 1, 2, 3, and No Priority SLA. If your issue is classified as “Next on bench” it will be the next active support ticket that we work on. If your ticket is assigned “No Priority SLA” it will be dealt with when all other tickets with a higher priority have been completed. We will now ask you some questions to understand the priority of your issue. This is automatically calculated based on set parameters, and we will not change the assigned priority level if you ask us to.How many people are affected? * REQUIREDOnly confirm the number of people that have contacted you regarding this issue. Do not make assumptions. You may wish to check with others before answering this question. Only I have seen this issue Less than 5 people have verified the issue More than 5 people have contacted me about the this issue Qualification * REQUIREDYou should only open one issue at a time. If you have multiple issues, please open multiple tickets. This will help us to work faster. If you ignore this advice your issue will automatically assigned the “No Priority SLA” priority status. My website is down I’ve forgotten my password Specific website functionality is not working as expected I would like to request a change to the way the website currently works I’m not happy with the way something looks API/Feed/External service issue Are you sure that the API is not the cause of the issue? * REQUIREDMost external service support tickets are data quality issues. You must ensure that steps have been taken to identify that the API/feed/external service is functioning as expected and the data is being sent correctly. Yes API Information * REQUIREDFeed/API call URLs are the only accurate source of truth and allow us to help you quickly. Other evidence is fallible, and will take us longer to support you with. I have the URL to the feed/api-call that evidences the data is correct I have other evidence I do not have any evidence to provide Feed/API Call URL * REQUIRED What steps did you take to identify that the issue was not in the API/feed/external service? * REQUIREDPlease be as detailed as possible. If relevant, you should provide examples of returned data and urls to endpoints to recreate the data call. Fault * REQUIRED No one is at fault I don’t know It’s my fault It’s not my fault, but it’s not SMILE’s fault either It’s SMILE’s fault What device have you verified the issue on? Desktop Laptop Tablet Phone Other Which browsers have you verified the issue on? * REQUIRED Safari Chrome Firefox Edge Internet Explorer Other Admin URLsList of affected Hijack Admin URLs * REQUIREDPlease provide links to the CMS edit screen of the Hijack where the issue resides. List of affected Chapter Admin URLsPlease provide links to the CMS edit screen of the Chapter, where the issue resides. List of affected Content Admin URLsPlease provide links to the CMS edit screen of the Content (story, course, people, etc), where the issue resides. List of affected backend CMS URLsPlease provide links to the CMS edit screen of the content that where the issue resides Front-end URLsThe front-end is what we call what the end-user sees. If we were a user, which URLs would your issue be visible at?URL(s) where we can see the issueThis should be what the user sees. For Hijack customers: If your hijack is not currently available, then you should make it live on a test page. Unique IDUnderstanding Priority We aim to add and update users and menus as quickly as possible. User and menu requests are automatically assigned the priority “No priority SLA”, but they are often dealt with quite quickly.What is a summary of your issue in one sentence? * REQUIREDDescribe your issue * REQUIREDIn more detail, please let us know more about the problem you have.AttachmentIf you have a screenshot of the issue or another attachment to add to this request, please upload it here. Under no circumstances should you attach files including personal or sensitive data. In order to transfer personally sensitive data you should provide password, or account restricted access to a file as a link within your description. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: csv, eps, gif, jpeg, jpg, json, mp3, mp4, mpeg, pdf, png, psd, rtf, svg, ttf, txt, xml, Max. file size: 256 MB.