Adding Chapters

Navigate to the ‘Chapters’ tab of your Hijack’s ‘Experience Details’ panel. The first field you’ll see allows you to add a ‘Chapter Introduction’ to your Chapter contents list on the front end. You can find out more details about this here.

Further down, you’ll see a search table headed with the title ‘Select Chapters’. Here you can scroll through the list of Chapters you have already created and select the relevant items for inclusion in your Hijack. Alternatively, you can begin typing in the search field in order to narrow the list of items.

Once you have found the right Chapters, add them to your Hijack by clicking on them. Selected chapters will then appear in the right-hand column. You can remove chapters from this column by hovering and selecting the minus (-) button. Once you are happy with your Chapter list, go ahead and publish or save your Hijack.

Updated on August 5, 2020

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