Adding a gallery

Navigate to the ‘Gallery’ tab in order to add a selection of images for inclusion in your Hijack. On first viewing, you will be faced with an empty field underneath the ‘Gallery’ heading, however you can begin to fill this space with images by clicking the blue ‘Add to gallery’ button underneath the field.

This will bring up the ‘Add Image to Gallery’ window. As with other sections, you have the option to select images already uploaded to the Media Library or, alternatively, you can upload new images from your local computer. Any images newly uploaded will be stored in the Media Library for future use by yourself or other Hijack Editors. Please ensure you give new images alt text – as the video above demonstrates – in order that they are compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Click as many images as you would like to add. You will see a blue tick in the upper righthand corner of the images that will be added to the gallery. Click this blue tick again in order to remove an image from your selection. When you are happy, click ‘Select’ to save the images to your gallery and return to the gallery configuration.

From here, you can re-order images by simply dragging and dropping them into position. You can also remove an unwanted image by hovering over it and clicking the ‘x’ in the upper righthand corner.

Updated on August 5, 2020

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