Adding Unibuddy to your Chapter

You can add a Unibuddy section to your Chapter, using Hijack. You will need to purchase the Unibuddy extension in order to use this functionality.

  1. In Unibuddy
    1. Navigate to Integrations > Code Snippets > Buddy Cards
    2. You can pick either students or staff. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use Students. You can jump directly to this section in Unibuddy using the following link:
    3. Under “Buddy Card – External Snippets (For external sites, NOT UNIVERSITIES)”, choose a degree, mentor or country.
    4. Copy the URL (highlighted below) from the iframe tag
  1. In Hijack
    1. In your Chapter, enable the Unibuddy option.
    2. In the Unibuddy tab, insert a Unibuddy URL and save your Chapter.
Updated on August 5, 2020

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