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  5. Filtering chats by question status

Filtering chats by question status

Hijack includes some powerful filtering tools which become especially useful if you are moderating the Live Chat of several separate Hijacks or Chapters at once.

Every thread list on the platform can be filtered by three drop-downs at the top of the screen.

The drop-down furthest on the left filters threads by question status and is set to ‘All’ by default. Using this filter you are able to customise your view with some very handy options.

For example, you might be tasked with replying to as many unanswered questions as possible. You may be trying to find an overview of all updates your chat moderators have made over the course of an event or you could be looking to review unapproved replies to make sure your front end is up to date with appropriate comments.

Whatever the case, these filters can help narrow down your view and focus in on questions with a particular status to help speed up the job at hand.

Updated on August 5, 2020

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