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  5. Finding Live Chat in the adminstrative backend

Finding Live Chat in the adminstrative backend

If you have enabled Live Chat for your Hijack, it is likely your audience are using the Chat interface on the front end in order to ask you and your staff questions relating to your Hijack’s subject matter.

You can view, manage and respond to Live Chats in the backend of the site.

Click on the ‘Hijacks’ option in the left hand sidebar to access the list view of your Hijacks. Alongside your various event names, you will see a column headed by a speech bubble. The speech bubble icon pertaining to your particular event will contain a number, denoting how many question threads exist for this Hijack.

Click on this speech bubble in order to view all Live Chat question threads for your event.

Alternatively, you can view your entire platform’s message history by clicking ‘Messages’ option inside the Hijack tab in the left hand sidebar.

Updated on August 5, 2020

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