Configuring Live Chat

Live Chat exists in Hijack on a chapter by chapter basis. This means you could have several chats running within your Hijack each with its own Start and End times. You can add one chat per Chapter.

If you’re adding Live Chat into your chapter, the setup couldn’t be easier. Visit the ‘Live Chat’ tab to configure.

The date picker here will be familiar to you from setting the Start/End times of the Hijack itself if in the ‘Features’ panel. It is worth noting that Live Chat has its own start/end times independent of the Chapter it sits within. For instance, your Hijack could run on a specific day between 1pm and 2pm but you might choose to have Live Chat active on a Chapter within your Hijack for only a portion of that time: 1.20pm – 1.40pm for example.

You have the option to add a ‘Pre-Live Message’ which will appear to your audience in the chat tab before it is available to use. There is a handy #date# placeholder function which will pull in the chat’s start date automatically if you would like to include this as part of your message.

Updated on August 5, 2020

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