Supporting AUA Members to Continue Developing Professionally
The AUA is the professional association for higher education administrators and managers. As well as being a representative voice for HE professionals within our sector, we’re here to support and guide you, our members, as you define and develop your career ambitions.
The AUA was looking for an online tool to support their members to assess themselves against their nine professional behaviours. We created a CPD tool that asks members a set of questions for each behaviour, allowing them to mark their responses on a sliding scale. At the end of the questionnaire, members are given an outcome that highlights whether the behaviour is a strength or area for development, along with suggested activities, reading or events that they could access to develop.

The AUA team is able to view engagement data and see the scores that people receive. The beauty of this platform is that it is straightforward to use, and members receive their outcomes immediately. It’s flexible in that users can choose to review as many or few of the behaviours as they wish and can use it as many times as they want meaning they can track their improvements and areas to develop as they progress through their careers. The team is able to update outcome information, including any new development opportunities, webinars and reading keeping it up to date and relevant.
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