SMILE is the leading strategic website consultancy, for UK Universities and Colleges
We do the things you don’t have the time or skills to do
Used by over 40 universities, colleges and educational bodies

Featured Case Studies
How did Prospectus+ help over 10,000 students find a course, in just over a month?

Students can now create a personalised shortlist of courses from every Irish university. See how we created this game-changing digital experience with Prospectus Plus.
Redefining how prospective students choose their courses with UCAS

UCAS are the hub for University applicants in the UK and handle most touch points throughout the application process. They wanted to improve this journey for their users - the prospective students.
The 2022 digital prospectus for the University of Gloucestershire

What is a digital prospectus in 2021? We created sustainable and measurable success, with radical changes to the traditional format.