Add Spotlight content to your video

This is a powerful tool which allows you to provide extra insight, while also empowering your users to skip around in the timeline to find the content they care about most.

One of the key features helping Hijack to stand apart from other media-rich online experiences is the opportunity to add a timeline to videos. This allows you the possibility to add more narrative context to what your users are seeing and it means that the users themselves can easily click through to different segments of the video in order to find what is most relevant to them.

Whether adding an intro or chapter video, choose ‘2D Tour’ or ‘3D Tour’ in the video type dropdown in order to begin configuring your timeline.

This will enable the ‘Experience Timeline’ configuration at the bottom of the screen. Here you can add the start and end points (in seconds) for your Spotlight sections. In the recording above, for example, the spotlight labelled ‘Accommodation’ will last from the point 8 seconds into the video until the point 40 seconds into the video (so 10 secs in total). For the length of this duration, text you insert into the ‘Contextual Content’ field will display in the ‘Spotlight’ tab in the front end of the Hijack.

Updated on August 5, 2020

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