Previously, websites were overhauled every five years or so. This cyclical approach often results in websites that resemble a ‘patchwork quilt’. As the needs and expectations of users evolve, business requirements change, and advances in technology emerge, new developments are bolted on top of the ageing site. The result is a lack of cohesion in the user journey, an inconsistent aesthetic, and therefore an ineffective site.
Shortening the cyclical pattern and iterating on a more regular basis results in evolution rather than revolution. This allows businesses to take a more user-centric approach, maintaining an effective user journey, and an on-brand, consistent aesthetic and functionality set that can adjust to meet the requirements of the business and keeps pace with emerging technologies.

Websites would, previously, have been built upon a limited number of page templates. The web now enables us to do much more and as such, when designing for web properties of this size, we design using a system based on components. These are in essence, parts of a larger template, but with much more flexibility than systems of the past. This is called ‘Gutenberg’.
Gutenberg is the latest WordPress editor that helps to mitigate template monotony by allowing editors to pick the design/layout for every single page (should they wish to). Editors can add components to a layout and then detail to a component. For example, you can assign a banner and a map element to a layout or a hero image, call to action, and a grid of links, then populate these with content and hey presto!
Elements are brand controlled which means you can create thousands of unique combinations of layouts, but remain confident that the aesthetic will be consistent and brand approved.
There are demo websites that host the Gutenberg editor for users to play around with. Equally, you can get in touch with us here at SMILE and find out how we can best assist you.
Take a look at the Gutenberg editor