Design Systems
Our award-winning design systems are a competitive advantage for our clients. It’s seen some drastic refinements in recent years. Designing libraries of components (not page templates) has opened up new opportunities. The result is some big changes in the way we work.
It’s a collaborative design process that engages stakeholders of all seniority. This gives us insight into what makes your brand authentic. We will refine and document how you should present yourself online.
Designers from SMILE create frameworks of components that meet organisational goals. We translate the jargon and show you how to stay WCAG 2.x/ADA/Section 508 compliant.
Going Beyond Dance, Music, Art and Literature with
Changing the way we design with evolving software
Over the years, the design team at SMILE have used multiple design programmes in a bid to deliver the highest quality output for our clients. When I began at SMILE in 2017, we briefly used Figma for design work but…
Introducing: The all-new University of Gloucestershire website
Working with UEA on their flagship website
How we helped Falmouth University restructure their homepage and navigation
Redesigning a College Website Using Gutenberg Blocks
A new
The difference between the needs of the user and stakeholder opinions and how feedback can affect a project
When it comes to redesigning a flagship website, a prospectus, or virtually anything that requires design input, there is a 99% chance that the client will have an opinion and thoughts to feedback (rightly so, they are paying for it).…