Online Open Days

Universities that host online open days by SMILE, see increased student application numbers. They usually see increases in the same recruitment cycle.

We create online experiences where prospective students can take virtual tours of campus. Immersive 360 video and photos alongside moderated live chats with ambassadors and staff.

By listening to 16-18 year-olds, we’ve uncovered what university online open days need. Timely answers to questions, signposting to relevant information and authentic video content.

And through award-winning UI design and research, we reveal what makes you different. No cookie-cutter templates in sight!

Our online event systems are accessible, performant and easy to integrate. The sort of stuff that IT doesn’t dread working with.

You can increase student applications, by being more personal, timely and authentic. Let SMILE show you how.

How does the cost of virtual events stack up against real-world events?

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Universities have long made use of online events in some form. But a scramble to replace real-world events has seen a spike in new institutions jumping on board. Was this only a response to COVID-19 or should we expect to see virtual events stick around? Will they become a more permanent feature? Will universities see the benefit as a long-term addition to their recruitment activities? We examine one of the reasons why online events offer a long-term addition - cost.

What is graduation going to look like in 2020?

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As social distancing in the UK continues, there are pressing questions about certain parts of University life. One of those being graduation. We here at SMILE, gathered on a Zoom call to discuss the current situation and what institutes can do as an alternative and if we can help with that.

Online vs Real World Open Days

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COVID-19 has left universities with no option but to turn to virtual events as a replacement for their real-world events. But they’re not a like-for-like replacement. This post looks at some of the key considerations for those looking to run virtual events.

Virtual Open Days

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With COVID-19 forcing the majority of the world into quarantine and lockdown, the education sector has been left unable to carry out their scheduled events. Open Days are just one example of those affected events.

Generating an authentic experience for online events

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“Being authentic” is perhaps the most overused phrase you’ll hear when engaging students online through digital open days, chat-bots and other online experiences. But you can really get to the heart of decision-making moments if you can leverage the right conversation, so working out what authenticity looks like for you will help you go in the right direction. This article aims to uncover some of the key considerations when engaging youth audiences online.