Personalisation during clearing is one of the best ways to make your university stand out from the crowd. There is no other time of the year, where the humble university website has so many expectations to give its best performance. Take a look at these websites during the summer period in the UK and you’ll find home pages adorned with banners, call-to-actions all vying for your attention. But they’re all so… generic.
In the run up to clearing 2021, we worked closely with the University of Gloucestershire to add some sprinkles of magic to their clearing approach.
Visit the website fresh, and you’ll see the typical clearing promotions. But something magical happens as your journey through the website unfolds. The website tracks users usage across the course catalog and identifies the course that the user is most likely to want to apply for. When the user returns to the website, the home page transforms.
The prospect is now presented with information driving them to apply to the course that they have shown most interest in. Creating proximity to their users, we’re already seeing a difference in user behaviours from the home page.
Personalisation during clearing is one of the most powerful developments you can invest in. With this blink-and-you’ll-miss-it development, the University of Gloucestershire is personalising its way to clearing success. Read about their new, SMILE-powered website.