Most Clicked

Most Clicked is Back!

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Our video podcast about all things digital in HE is back after a summer hiatus. Watch/listen wherever you get your podcasts!

Liz and Rishi’s shakeup of HE admissions

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In the UK, Lizz Truss (PM candidate) has announced a policy where anyone with three 3 A*s is automatically invited to an interview at Oxbridge. Fair play. But there’s one major flaw.

Are your Clearing ads leading to the right content?

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It’s Clearing month, so we've taken a look at some university search ads. Honestly, we're a bit concerned. Lots of ads are leading to the wrong kind of content. If someone searches “[uni name] Clearing,” for us, that’s a sign of intent.

Influencers: Are they worth your marketing spend?

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Spending a fortune on PPC? Maybe influencers are worth a look. Big brands like GUCCI are collaborating with a train spotter (congrats Francis Bourgeois - you are living your best life my dude) and taking advantage of the opportunity - so why aren't universities? All aboard the Most Clicked train as we explore the world of influencer marketing. Choo choo ????

Hybrid events are dead

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In 2021, you couldn’t move for posts on how hybrid would transform student recruitment. But the reality turned out to be different. Today, universities are pivoting back to in-person events. But the marketing potential of these moments is often missed. As you've probably guessed, the answer isn't straightforward either...

What makes a good university clearing page?

2 30 10 16 9 Website 151404514 1656609620
Universities that make life less stressful for students at clearing, are getting off on the right foot. First impressions count, and your website is almost certainly the first impression. Seems like Leeds Beckett gets it.

Campaign Landing Pages: Do you need them?

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When you create a landing page, are you thinking about your users, or you data capture numbers? Doesn't matter how good they look if they're not putting the user at the centre of the conversation. Imperial College London has some nice creative for this landing page - but did they fall into the trap?

Education in the Metaverse

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Meta is making moves into the education space. Privacy nightmare, or accelerated innovation? Some say its the future. But don't strap your laptop to your head just yet - Seems like there's a way to go.