Usability Testing
Usability testing shows universities and colleges how to improve their websites. Running usability tests reveals the user interface changes that will enhance student recruitment.
Does your website have a good user interface? Our experts help universities and colleges discover insights by conducting online usability studies.
Upfront and ongoing usability testing is the basis for our user centred design approach. We write and execute tests on low-fidelity prototypes, live websites, and everything in-between. With this insight, our evidence-based decisions exceed the expectations of our clients.
Giles Whattam ( on successfully redesigning a university flagship website
Why a creative retainer works better than ad-hoc feature requests
Introducing: The all-new University of Gloucestershire website
Working with UEA on their flagship website
How we helped Falmouth University restructure their homepage and navigation
A new
The difference between the needs of the user and stakeholder opinions and how feedback can affect a project
When it comes to redesigning a flagship website, a prospectus, or virtually anything that requires design input, there is a 99% chance that the client will have an opinion and thoughts to feedback (rightly so, they are paying for it).…