
Supporting our customers with Crisp

Crisp logo
Crisp is a messaging platform that we've adopted at SMILE to interact with our clients. Though we're using it primarily for our SMILE support communications at the moment, we're hoping to branch out and explore how it can help us with broader client outreach going forward.

An overhaul for Newman University

Copy of Newman Prospectus Mockup

To rebrand the university, replace the hosting infrastructure, CMS and design of the Newman University flagship website, including the design of a course database system as well as overhaul and replace the current intranet system with a bespoke offering from…

Quick and dirty background video

Background video is a useful tool in a web designers toolkit. I’ll show you how quick and easy it is to pull together. You can see it on a whole swathe of websites now — probably (in part) due to technological reasons. It’s easier to code it up and it’s widely supported by browsers.