Everyone is talking about the University of Nottingham and its “world-first” micro-prospectus, including the University of Gloucestershire that pointed out (in what we think is the first-ever example of university beef) that it had already been doing something similar for the last three years. It’s risky, funny and very TikTok.

Universal Analytics, the legacy (but most commonly used) version of Google Analytics, will no longer be available from mid-2023. You'll need to upgrade to GA4 in the next 12 months in order to keep collecting data.

The University of Northampton has pulled its 'student perks' into one place. A simple trick, but highly beneficial for prospective students. Could your university website be more transparent?

"Students’ perceptions of belonging and inclusion at university" is a report from Pearson and @Wonkhe. How do those perceptions impact the digital work institutions carry out moving forward?

Join Nathan Monk and Matt Oakley for an overview on how to get started with committing to WordPress Core

We''re talking about TikTok (again ????) so we bring in an expert to shake things up: Jord Muckley from Nonsensical ( a TikTok creative agency!) gives us his insight into the social giant.

Alert Hijack users to ending live chats, and schedule the archiving process with Content Flow.

Course videos aren't new, but the University of Kent are using them a little differently to other universities. And they're carving out a unique stance in the process.

You want to make a change to the way your website looks. You know exactly what you want, where everything needs to go and how it all needs to work. But when you receive a quote for the work from SMILE, it includes the unexpected line item ‘Design’. Why?

The University of Chichester rocks an unhinged approach to marketing on TikTok. It's brilliant, and the audience stats seem to agree. Are you making the most of TikTok.

Matt Lees (Creative Director) and Elliott Barnicle (Lead Design) talk us through the process of designing such a large-scale flagship website.

The Denver Ad School website is a masterclass in tone of voice. They're even got a merch section - and we love it. See how you can leverage the same techniques and build a unique brand personality.