UI Design

UI Design is a competitive advantage for universities and colleges when done well. We win awards for the websites we work on. It’s a match made in heaven.

You’re not competing with other universities for the attention of your audience. Turn your attention to out-of-sector brands with user interfaces that people enjoy using. These are your true competitors.

Don’t settle for sector-level mediocrity. We look outside the sector for ideas that have already demonstrated measurable success. Then we apply them to university and college websites. This low risk, high return strategy increases brand recognition and conversion rates.

SMILE can help you to improve your websites UI design and in turn, exceed your targets.

How important is your homepage?

Pro 008 UI Design
Ask yourself this question. How important is your homepage? In the age of search engines, smart search, SEO etc, how many people actually land on your homepage and use it as a way to find out the information they are looking for?

What is Sketch and why your digital designers should be using it

A graphic showing the Sketch Logo
I am a marketing communications consultant (Thread & Fable) who works with companies like SMILE on digital projects. In this article, I run through why marketers should pay attention to what systems their tech team are using and why it can make a difference to the project process and ultimately the cost.

An overhaul for Newman University

Copy of Newman Prospectus Mockup UI Design

To rebrand the university, replace the hosting infrastructure, CMS and design of the Newman University flagship website, including the design of a course database system as well as overhaul and replace the current intranet system with a bespoke offering from…

The Responsive Media Grid

grid 3 UI Design
How do you deal with an image (or video) in a shape-changing, responsive container? It's a common problem, and I've designed a system to help tackle it.