
Identifying Site and Menu Architecture Using GatherContent

GatherContent2 Copy 2 How to
At SMILE, we use GatherContent to manage our own website's copy and media content. We have learned that the ability to easily arrange and view our content in this way has highlighted how this system can be further used as a powerful tool to identify or improve site map and menu architecture. Here, we share some of our key learnings.

Online vs Real World Open Days

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COVID-19 has left universities with no option but to turn to virtual events as a replacement for their real-world events. But they’re not a like-for-like replacement. This post looks at some of the key considerations for those looking to run virtual events.

10 SEO Tips for writing website content

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These are our 10 top SEO Tips for writing website content. Search Engines like good content. So don't let these take over your writing. A lot of these tips are simply good writing pointers in general. Google is clever enough to see past the old loopholes and rewards good citizens.

Virtual Open Days

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With COVID-19 forcing the majority of the world into quarantine and lockdown, the education sector has been left unable to carry out their scheduled events. Open Days are just one example of those affected events.

User insight driving design choices

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Since 2014 SMILE have been working with the University of Birmingham, a Russell Group institution, on delivering their online event platform. The platform’s longevity is a testament to its success. In its first iteration, the platform began life as a…

Generating an authentic experience for online events

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“Being authentic” is perhaps the most overused phrase you’ll hear when engaging students online through digital open days, chat-bots and other online experiences. But you can really get to the heart of decision-making moments if you can leverage the right conversation, so working out what authenticity looks like for you will help you go in the right direction. This article aims to uncover some of the key considerations when engaging youth audiences online.

Quick and dirty background video

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Background video is a useful tool in a web designers toolkit. I’ll show you how quick and easy it is to pull together. You can see it on a whole swathe of websites now — probably (in part) due to technological reasons. It’s easier to code it up and it’s widely supported by browsers.